
Returns Policy

Have you changed your mind?

If you have ordered a product/s from this website and you have changed your mind, you may return new and unused items within 14 days of the date of receipt of your order. We will refund the purchase cost of the product/s minus any shipping and handling charges. Please note items must be returned in their original packaging. No refund will be provided for products that have been used. In your return package, please include a note with your contact details, and ensure you are able to track your return to us, as we will only issue a refund once the products have been received by our office.

Does your order contain a defective or incorrect item?

If you have received a defective or incorrect product, please email us at [email protected] with a detailed explanation of the fault or error, and include a product image.

Do you need to talk with a Customer Service Representative?

If you require assistance regarding a refund, please contact our Head Office on 02 9651 7025 during our business hours of Monday to Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm AEST.


Our philosophy is to supply you with the finest quality pure essential oils for aromatic and therapeutic applications.